Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Welcome 2010!

A new year is upon us and hopefully a new attitude!

This school year I have been trying to incorporate my new SMART Board into my teaching. I am finding that it is much easier than I thought. The board has been in my classroom since the spring of last year. Our division offers a Technology Infusion Project grant every year- up to $4000 for projects that use new technology. Another teacher, Christa, and I applied to get a SMART board to use in Science 10, which we both were teaching at the time. We created an interactive periodic table using the Inspiration program. It enabled us to show students visually how different elements are related and how they react and bond with other elements. I've used it a couple of times and I think it is going to be fantastic when I teach Science 10 again.

This semester I am teaching modified science at the 10 and 20 level. I have used the SMART board way more than I thought I would. Last year it sort of hung in my room and acted as a very expensive projector screen. I made it a personal and professional goal to use it more and become comfortable with creating units using the Notebook Software. After the initial frustration with the program, I started zipping along with lessons. I think that I have reached my goal because I use the board almost every day!

Semester 1 is coming to a close in a couple of weeks, but my next class will be an Alternate Education Science and Social Studies class. I have found the SMART board to be a fantastic tool to reach all of my learners and the kids are really engaged because they think it is cool and it is a new tool, so it grabs their attention right away. They are also always very enthusiastic about coming to the front of the room and using it at any opportunity.

I am hoping that I will become more proficient with the software and be able to create more elaborate lessons and really wow the kiddies! I think that it will be fantastic for my Semester 2 kids and I hope that they get more out of my class with this new technology tool.

That's what I think about SMART Boards, for now...

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